
What all must a person do

When hungry eat, when tired sleep.

To function as a society, if we eat at specific times, we tend to sleep at specific times as well.
To eat, we must obtain food. Food tastes better, and is healthier when cooked.
For cooking food, we must obtain the ingredients.

The ingredients are either manufactured by plants, or taken in by consuming secondary consumers.

Plants can be homegrown or be outsourced. There are public spots like forests as well as privately owned farms. Animals can be homegrown, but we generally do not do it for the sake of consumption. They can also be hunted or be outsourced from other people.

Ingredients are often processed by other people. This could mean the maintenance of the farm itself, or the work performed to convert the raw ingredients to processed ones. For this, we pay the people using currency. Currency is hence a measure of how much a person values their work.

Currency is generally built on the basis of a common understanding within a community. As such, currencies and their values can vary from community to community. For exchange of currency between communities, their valuation can be evaluated by estimating trade volume. It can either be estimated as fixed exchange rates by backing the value with assets, or by using a floating exchange rate involving just supply and demand.

In order to acquire currency, we need to do work ourselves. Working requires spending energy.

Once we spend energy throughout the day, we need to recharge by eating and sleeping. Eating is done to intake new energy. Sleeping is done for maintenance of the body.

While sleeping, we may also see dreams. Dreams are what allows humans to be separate from a automatic system, and what gives meaning to life.

So in addition to work for essential needs, we may also spend energy for fun activities and work for building things from our imagination. Hence currency can also be obtained this way. In a world where we coexist, we may need to work together to build things. When we need someone to help us build something, we need to pay them for their work too.

If our product is interesting to other people, they will use it by paying you for building and maintaining that product or service. Creating a product of service requires work, but after receiving the right amount of money for compensation, it is no longer necessary to charge for the product.

But this is where things can get unfair. Since money allows a person to get work and products easily, and that brings immediate happiness to an individual, people are inclined to find ways to make more money in any instance. This brings to practices like people claiming ownership over thoughts because they were the first to find it, and perpetually charging for products already compensated for in the name of the development of the idea. More money allows people to buy assets which have the potential to become more valuable in the future, which they can sell later to gain more money. This allows people to have an ever increasing amount of energy at their disposal, which gives them more power.

  • Language, from Symbols
  • Mathematics
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